Product Description
Behold the Fig Tree,
Roger K. Young, 172 pages.
The update companion to "As a Thief in the Night".
(Reprinted in and reformated to 8.5 x 11)
The near future events leading up to the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ with particular emphasis on the 13 Month World War, Judgements, Plagues and the Great Scourge. (With sections on the judgements and scourges of the Rocky Mountain / Utah area, the Refuges of Safety, and the Lord's prescribed antidote for the plagues, diseases and scourges.)
Behold the Fig Tree was one in the series of books written by best selling LDS author Roger K. Young. His books on the events of the last says, starting with "As a Thief In The Night", have skyrocketed since their introduction to become the #1 selling LDS books on the last days throughout the world and have become a mainstay in LDS libraries everywhere. In "Behold the Fig Tree" brother Young goes into more detail about some of the more terrible events/plagues that will affect the United States, the Rocky Mountains and Utah. He also details the Lord's own prescription on the preventative antidote that will protect those who follow it from the diseases of the last days and specifically from the great scourge/disease that will sweep the world.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1, He Comes
..How Soon
Chapter 2, Signs of the Times Review.
..The last plague #5
..Is the 7th Seal Opened?
Last plague #6
Chapter 3, The 13 Month War.
..American the Land of Zion
..More scriptures and Verified Prophecies Concerning the War.
..Secondary and Tertiary Sources of Information Concerning the War.
..Nuclear and Biological Weapons.
..The Great Scourge and Plague of Disease
..Chapter Summary
Chapter 4, Judgements and Plagues to Befall the Rocky Mountain / Utah Area.
Chapter 5, Miscellaneous Questions.
..The Gospel Preached to All the World.
..The Importance of the Temples.
..The Coming Famine.
Chapter 6, The Lords Antidote to the Scourges and Plagues.
..The First Antidote.
..The Second Antidote.
..Protection Against the Great Scourge/Desolating Sickness that is to Cover
the Earth in the Last Days.
..What does it mean to Live the Whole Law of the Word of Wisdom?
Chapter 7, Places of Refuge.
..Separation of the Righteous and Wicked.
..Refuges and Places of Safety.
..Where are these Refuges to be set up in the Last Days?
..Principle of Gathering of the Saints..Establishing Zion.
Chapter 8, Important World Events during the Last Several Months.
..Patent granted for New Plant Gene.
..World's Food Supply.
..The Continued Move to Surrender Our National Sovereignty.
..Voter Fraud in the United States.
..Passage of the Freedom from Religious Persecution Act.
..Quotes Worth Considering.
..Federal Government/U.N. Land Grab Continues.
..Jet Contrails Sicken People.
Chapter 9, The Near Future.
..What to possibly expect during the next 36-60 Months.
..A couple of Possible Scenarios
Appendix of Supplemental References.
..Analysis: Russia Mobilizes, America Sleeps.
..Extreme Weather Alert.
..El Diablo.
..Extreme Sunspot Activity.
..Additional information on the Word of Wisdom.
..Excerpt of Conference Addresses.
..George Washington Vision.
..John Taylor's Vision of the Future War in the United States.