Food Storage 101 Where do I begin?
Product Description
Food Storage 101 Where do I begin?
(Cookin' With Home Storage Series, Book #2)
Author: Peggy Dianne Layton
Binding: Paperback
Number of Pages: 105
Publication Date: 1998-12-05
Thinking about purchasing food storage products, but don’t know where to begin? Well this book is perfect for you! It opens the door to a painless yet worthwhile journey in taking the first steps to an effective food storage plan. It includes a six step plan of action guide along with detailed pages about each step. It has all charts and graphics necessary to make it as comprehensive as possible.
This book is one in a series of books written on the subject of food storage.
With the upcomming world events and the scare of food shortages many people
are starting a food storage program for their families. This book has everything
you need to know to begin and maintain a food storage program in your home.
It is referred to as having your own home grocery store and pharmacy. You store
what you eat and eat what you store, then you replace what you use. With this
plan in your home you will never be caught short without enough food to feed
your family in case of an emergency. This is a workbook with an inventory and
planning guide, as well as a 14 day menu planner to help you calculate how much
food you need to continue eating the way you do now without having to change
your diet in a crises. This book will help anyone from beginners to advanced.
It covers: Where to store bulk food, How to store bulk food, What kind of containers
to use, and how much food to store! . This book is written in an easy to follow
format with a 6 step plan of action. This plan eliminates the overwhelmed feeling
you get when you think of storing at least a three month to a years supply of
food. This book is a must for anyone concerned about the problems our nation
faces in the near future with food shortages.
Peggy Layton, a home economist, holds a bachelor's degree in home economics
education from Brigham Young University, with a minor in food science and nutrition.
Peggy and her husband, Scott, have seven children. With nine people to feed,
Peggy writes about food storage and preparedness from a hands-on point of view.
She writes and speaks frequently on bulk food preparation and emergency preparedness
and has traveled extensively lecturing at preparedness expos throughout the
United States. The author of a series of books on food storage and cooking,
Peggy is also a food storage consultant and has helped many people put together
food storage programs for their families. She is dedicated to bringing you accurate
information as well as quality, tested recipes. Peggy and her family live in
Manti, Utah, a rural town of 2,500 people, where they are prepared for any disaster—Peggy
lives what she preaches!