Cookin with Powdered Milk
Product Description
Cookin'With Powdered Milk
(Cookin` With Home Storage Series, Book # )
Author: Peggy Layton
Binding: Paperback
Number of Pages: 68
Publication Date: 1994-01-10
With the upcomming world events and food shortages many people are storing powdered
milk as part of their food storage program. This book includes everything you
need to know about cooking with powdered milk. Powdered milk was developed out
of necessity. For years man tried to find ways to preserve milk in its natural
state. What was born was the dehydration process which preserved the nutritional
value of milk. Powdered milk is made from fresh milk with the cream and water
removed and is called Nonfat Instant Powdered Milk.
Nonfat Instant Powdered Milk contains no fat. When reconstituted, it contains
half the calories of the original milk, all the natural calcium, the important
B-Vitamins, phosphorus, minerals, essential protein, carbohydrates and milk
sugar (lactose). This book shows how to use powdered milk in cooking whenever
the recipe calls for milk Peggy Layton
*Reconstituting charts.
*How much milk to store per person per year.
*How to make yogurt, cottage cheese,and many other types of cheeses.
*Sixty five pages of great recipes, many of which have been tested by
ther USDA and U.S. Dairy council.
*This book is a must for anyone who has powdered milk in their food
storage. All the recipes use powdered milk as their main ingredient.
Now that you’ve stored your powdered milk, this book gives you 9 pages of information about how to store, blend, reconstitute, and cook with it. It also has 6 pages of powdered milk recipes (with milk as the main ingredient), 6 pages of cheese recipes, 8 pages of cottage cheese recipes, 6 pages of beverage recipes, 2 pages of sauce and gravy recipes, 7 pages of soup and chowder recipes, 5 pages of simple supper recipes, and 9 pages of dessert recipes. (66 pages total)
Table of Contents
Powdered Milk
What is Powdered Milk?
Its Advantages
Its Uses
Reconstitution Charts
How to Blend
How to Store
Improved Flavor
How to Enrich
Replace in Cooking
Whole Milk
Evaporated Milk
Sweetened Condensed Milk
Yogurt Starter
Yogurt from Instant
Yogurt from Non-Instant
Yogurt Ideas
Quick & Easy Cheese
Medium Cheddar Cheese
Farmer Cheese
Cream Cheese
Zesty Parmesan
Ricotta or Cream
Cheese Substitute
Cheese Sauce
Cottage Cheese
Homemade Cottage Cheese
Cottage Cheese
Types of Cottage Cheese
Making Small-Curd
Making Large Curd
Hot or Cold
Chocolate Milk
Old Fashioned Egg Nog
Country Egg Nog
Instant Chocolate Milk Shake
Banana Milk
Spicy Cinnamon Milk
Other Drinks
Sauce Mixes & Gravies
Basic White
White Sauce
Cheese Sauce
Mormon Gravy
Milk Gravy
Soups & Chowders
Cream Soup
Cream of Onion
Cream of Potato
Cream of Tomato
Tomato Soup
Bean Chowder
Clam Chowder
Salmon Chowder
Sweet Corn Chowder
Simple Suppers
Corned Beef On Toast
Mormon Milk Toast
Creamed Corn Supper
Creamed Peas & Potatoes
Scalloped Potatoes & Ham
Scalloped Chicken
Potato Casserole
Basic Pudding Mix
Chocolate Mix
Caramel Mix
Vanilla Mix
Mix Preparation
Danish Rice
Bread Pudding
Cornmeal Indian
Homemade Ice Cream
Ice Mix
Ice Cream Substitutes
Whipped Topping
Peggy Layton, a home economist, holds a bachelor's degree in home economics
education from Brigham Young University, with a minor in food science and nutrition.
Peggy and her husband, Scott, have seven children. With nine people to feed,
Peggy writes about food storage and preparedness from a hands-on point of view.
She writes and speaks frequently on bulk food preparation and emergency preparedness
and has traveled extensively lecturing at preparedness expos throughout the
United States. The author of a series of books on food storage and cooking,
Peggy is also a food storage consultant and has helped many people put together
food storage programs for their families. She is dedicated to bringing you accurate
information as well as quality, tested recipes. Peggy and her family live in
Manti, Utah, a rural town of 2,500 people, where they are prepared for any disaster—Peggy
lives what she preaches!